



在20世纪头几十年的第一个学期th 世纪, the settlement music school founded by Janet Daniels Schenck that would one day be internationally recognized as an epicenter of music excellence 和 education, 每年的预算为3万美元,000, 最初招收了120名学生, 由23名教员指导. 即使考虑到第一季雄心勃勃的课程——私人学习, 理论, 作文, 音乐的历史, 和 literature were offered – 和 the involvement of an “Artist Auxiliary Board” that included the likes of pianist Harold Bauer 和 cellist Pablo Casals, MSM创始人珍妮特·丹尼尔斯·申克, 因为她的决心和使命感, 你能想象到MSM现在变成了什么样子吗?

Internationally recognized for the outsized talent of its gifted undergraduate 和 graduate students (960 of them, 来自50多个国家和几乎所有50个州), 由200多名艺术家教师组成的著名教师队伍, 创新的课程涵盖了广泛的项目, this one-time settlement music school has long since taken its place among the world’s premiere music conservatories.


提供支持, 培育环境,同时促进艺术卓越的最高标准, MSM takes full advantage of New York’s incomparable creative energy 和 the fact that the city is home to so many of the world’s great musical artists 和 venues. 学生们将接触到一份持续不断的名人名单,邀请他们领导MSM备受瞩目的大师班系列, 以及在林肯中心爵士乐等著名场所的独特表演机会, 大都会博物馆, 默金音乐厅, 新泽西表演艺术中心, 以及附近的圣. 神圣的约翰,还有其他的.

它的古典和爵士训练课程密集, 还有音乐剧, 男同性恋者授予音乐学士学位, 音乐硕士, 以及音乐艺术博士学位, 以及专业进修证书和艺术家文凭. 并忠实于它作为儿童音乐学校的初衷, MSM offers superior instruction to young musicians between the ages of 5 和 18 via its renowned Precollege program with its nearly 500 students; an Arts-in-Education Program that serves an additional 2,000 schoolchildren; 和 a rich summertime education experience for students ages 11 to 17 at MSM Summer. 进一步区分MSM的是学校开创性的音乐创业中心, 它结合了实际, entrepreneurial skill development into a wider music education; 和 its seminal 远程学习 Program – the brainchild of 教师 member Pinchas Zukerman – which since 1996 has used videoconferencing for live, 互动艺术教育, 将世界上最有天赋的艺术家和教育家与来自世界各地的数千名学习者联系起来.


最后,正如它最初的名字一样,男同性恋者仍然是一所“社区”学校. 事实上, 其众多景点之一是学校位于曼哈顿西侧的晨兴高地. 被称为“学术卫城”,这是一个舒适的城市的一部分,真正的“大学城”的感觉, 哥伦比亚大学是七所高等学府的所在地, 巴纳德学院, 银行街教育学院, 哥伦比亚大学师范学院, 犹太神学院, 协和神学院, 和二甲基砜. It is also home to spectacular institutions such as the famed Riverside Church (site of MSM’s annual Commencement ceremonies), 圣大教堂. 圣约翰大教堂(世界上最大的大教堂)和美国国家纪念碑.S. 尤利西斯·S. 格兰特和他的妻子朱莉娅(“格兰特墓”,也被称为北美最大的陵墓).

进一步, MSM is just a short stroll from the New York City subway’s extensive 1 train service 和 mere steps from Riverside Park, thus allowing students to enjoy the best of two worlds: the subway offers a gateway to the city’s vast cultural riches, 而公园则提供步行和自行车道,以及哈德逊河的壮观景色. 这是动态的, 多面城市环境, 这只会增强这个充满活力和多方面的机构的能量和脉搏.

But perhaps best of all – an intangible quality that truly distinguishes MSM – is the fact that Morningside Heights’ “neighborhood” feel is itself reflected in MSM’s family of students, 教师, 和管理. It is there in the strong sense of community 和 collegiality that underscores all the music-making 和 learning 和 excitement of daily life at the School. 我们都是相互联系的, 从共同经历中延伸出来的支持性环境使这里成为一个非常特别的地方.


最后, 因为它所提供的一切, MSM is not simply a top-tier music conservatory in one of the world’s great cities; it is also, 感谢它有成就的学生和杰出的教师, 一流的表演艺术中心, 它每年为纽约市的音乐爱好者提供700多场现场演出. 男男性行为者表演季节, 从9月到次年4月,囊括了所有的古典音乐, 爵士乐, 音乐剧, 和 contemporary offerings – everything from the most intimate student recital to the most ambitious operatic production – is well-served by MSM’s nine performance venues 和 off-site partner venues.

此时此刻,享受这一季的现场音乐表演,在很多方面都是在见证未来, as many of MSM’s students eventually graduate into the front ranks of the world’s musical 和 艺术的领导人hip. 事实上, 学校令人印象深刻, 似乎有无数杰出的校友, 跨越学科,跨越数十年, represents an implicit 和 collective testimonial for how far the School has come since its founding nearly 100 years ago.

又回到了珍妮特·D. Schenk. Could she in those first days of instruction have envisioned where this “adventure in music” (the title of her 1961 memoir) would one day lead? 我写了大约一个世纪之后的文章,这远非我的臆断,但我愿意相信她是这么做的. 随着newbb电子越来越接近其百年校庆, 我邀请你们想象更多:一个音乐学院, 远没有满足于其相当大的荣誉, 持续增长, 扩大其教育产品和影响力, 同时培养新一代音乐家的才能和独特品质, 艺术的领导人, 和, 最重要的是, 全面发展的人.




